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Baltic Blue Pothos: Full Care Guide for Best Color & Growth

A Baltic Blue pothos houseplant.

Baltic Blue Pothos: Full Care Guide for Best Color & Growth

Baltic Blue pothos is a newcomer on the market, but it may be the perfect houseplant you’ve been waiting for. I got one of these beauties several months ago, and I must say- I’m in love! The lovely Baltic Blue has quickly become one of my favorites.

Baltic Blue pothos features deep blue-green leaves and dramatic fenestrations. It has a bushy shape when it’s young, but as it matures, Baltic Blue forms long vines that can trail over surfaces or drape from a hanging basket. Like most pothos, Baltic Blue is a fast grower with an easy care routine, making it a popular addition to many house plant collections.

In this article, I’ll share what I’ve learned through my experience in caring for my Baltic Blue pothos and what I’ve discovered in my research.

Let’s get started!

Key Points:

  • Baltic Blue was introduced in 2022 by Costa Farms, and it features dramatic blue-green leaves with deep fenestrations. It starts out as a bushy shape and eventually develops a trailing growth habit.
  • Baltic Blue does best in a pot 2-4 inches larger than its root ball, in well-draining soil. Water when the top 2 inches of soil are dry and provide bright, indirect lighting.
  • Plan to repot your Baltic Blue roughly every 1.5 to 3 years.
  • Baltic Blue pothos is easy to propagate from stem cuttings rooted in water.
  • Problems with Baltic Blue include root rot, yellowing leaves, leggy growth and pests.

Baltic Blue Pothos Background

Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Baltic Blue’ is a new pothos cultivar developed by Costa Farms, a specialty house plant grower. Baltic Blue was discovered in the Philippines- Costa Farms then perfected it for the open market and released it in early 2022.

Pothos in general are native to Southeast Asia and Australia, where they grow as long, trailing vines on tree trunks as well as across the ground. They are popular houseplants because they can handle low light/dry indoor conditions and produce vigorous growth with a lot of color.

And one of the distinctive features of Costa Farms Baltic Blue is its gorgeous color. While the name might lead you to believe this plant has noticeably blue leaves, it’s actually a unique deep-green shape known as “horticultural blue.”

I thought this video from Costa Farms was really interesting- it explains more of the Baltic Blue’s color background and origin:

The blue undertones become more pronounced during the cooler fall and winter months, while the green is more evident in warmer temperatures.

In addition to leaf color, Costa Farms’ Baltic Blue also has fenestrated leaves. E. pinnatum and E. aureum are the two main species of pothos, with a ton of variety within those families. But the Baltic Blue, like other E. pinnatum, features fenestrations: splits or holes that naturally develop in mature leaves. This adds a lot of interest and texture, and the fenestrations give each plant its own distinct character.

But Baltic Blue is unique here. Most pothos will only develop fenestrations under the right environmental conditions, but Baltic Blue leaves fenestrate naturally at a young age. You can see this brand-new leaf on my plant unfurled with lovely fenestrations:

A new leaf on a Baltic Blue pothos houseplant.

Most pothos varieties have faintly heart-shaped leaves, but the Baltic Blue has lance-shaped leaves- they’re long, slender and come to a sharp point.

When it’s young, Baltic Blue has a full, bushy shape, but as it matures, it takes on a vining growth pattern. So this gives you options:

  • Train your Baltic Blue to grow up a support
  • Let it trail along a horizontal surface
  • Allow it to hang down from a basket or shelf

You can’t go wrong- it’s beautiful any way you want to display it!

Baltic Blue vs Cebu Blue: Are They the Same?

While Baltic Blue and Cebu Blue are closely related, they are not the same. These two pothos varieties differ on several points, including leaf shape, leaf texture and overall care schedule.

For an in-depth answer, take a look at our article that outlines the differences between Baltic Blue and Blue.

Baltic Blue Pothos Care

The Epipremnum Baltic Blue will look its best when it gets good care. However, as a pothos, it isn’t very picky or labor-intensive. Here are my tips on how to care for Baltic Blue pothos:

Appropriate Pot Size and Type

While Baltic Blue will tolerate most pot material, the best ones are non-plastic. Clay, ceramic, and terra cotta pots have better airflow for the roots and for evaporation of extra moisture from the soil.

The ideal size for a pot is based on the size of the plant root ball. Choose a pot that is only 2 or at most 4 inches larger than the root ball. A smaller pot will control the size of the root ball, and will also prevent an excess of soil that can lead to water-logged conditions.


Pothos will do well with regular potting soil. You can also mix in some extra perlite or vermiculite to create lighter soil that allows air and water to move through it more easily.

RELATED: See my list of gorgeous houseplants with black leaves to complement your Baltic Blue!


The Baltic Blue pothos likes bright but indirect light. Light that is too strong can cause the blue to fade out of the leaves, while light that is too dim will cause slow growth and sometimes even a yellowish discoloration.

So the Baltic Blue will be very happy in a spot that’s a few feet away from an east or south-facing window. I have mine in an area where it receives indirect light from a south window, and it’s doing well there.

Watering Needs

Water your Baltic Blue pothos when the first two inches of soil have dried out. How long this takes depends on the size of your pot, the season and the temperature.

I usually err on the side of watering too little rather than too much, and I’ve found that I need to water my plant around every 10 days or so.

When you water your pothos, make sure to add water until it starts to drain from the holes in the bottom of the pot and pool on the tray or saucer.

A deep green-blue color on a Baltic Blue pothos houseplant.

Temperature and Humidity

Pothos grow well at average room temperature, but as tropical plants, they can handle hot better than cold. The ideal range for Baltic Blue is 68-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything below 55 degrees can potentially kill your pothos, so be aware.

It’s also best to keep your Baltic Blue away from heating and cooling vents since these direct drafts can dry out the leaves in a flash.

Pothos plants also tend to like more humid air–up to 80% humidity. So in dry climates, you can help your pothos grow larger, healthier leaves by bumping up the local humidity levels:

Fertilizing Routine

Feed your Baltic Blue pothos once a month from spring through fall with a liquid all-purpose fertilizer at a half-strength dosage.

Avoid fertilizing in winter, as this is the dormant period where no active growth occurs.


Beyond trimming off aging yellow leaves, Baltic Blue does not require routine pruning to stay healthy and vigorous. But whether you want to prune it to control the shape or size is up to you.

Pothos, including the Baltic Blue, tend to grow fairly quickly- that’s perfect if you want your plant to trail along an open space or hang from a high shelf. If you’d like to maintain a bushier shape or encourage fullness at the base, some pruning can help.

When pruning, always use sharp scissors or hand pruners and sanitize them before every cut and between every plant.

Make your cut just below the spot where a leaf joins the stem. This placement allows the plant to seal over the wound effectively.


How often does the Baltic Blue need to be repotted? Probably about every 1.5 to 3 years– since it’s a new variety, it’s not 100% certain what the timeframe will be.

However, generally speaking, a house plant is due for a potting up when it displays these symptoms:

  • Root tips poke out through the drainage holes or lay on top of the soil surface
  • Sluggish growth despite normal care
  • Unexplained leaf yellowing
  • Soil drying out much faster than usual

To repot your Baltic Blue, remove the root ball from the pot, remove excess soil and cut back circling roots, and place it, with fresh soil, either in a slightly bigger new pot or in the same pot. For an illustrated guide to this process, check out our photo tutorial on repotting a pothos plant.

Leaf fenestrations on a Baltic Blue pothos houseplant.

Baltic Blue Pothos Propagation

The Baltic Blue pothos is easy to propagate in water from stem cuttings.

  1. Use sanitized shears to clip a 4-6 inch length of stem. Make your cut near a node where a leaf or stem joins the larger stem.
  2. Place the cut stem in a jar or glass of water. Remove the lowest leaves to prevent them from getting in the water. Put the jar in a warm spot that gets plenty of light, and wait for rootlets to form.
  3. Once you have rootlets that are about an inch long, you can plant the cutting in its own pot. And now you have more Baltic Blue!
A Baltic Blue pothos grouped with other houseplants.

Potential Problems with Baltic Blue Pothos

I’ve found the Baltic Blue to be an easy-care plant, and pothos in general are typically very forgiving. But that doesn’t mean that Baltic Blue is immune from problems. Let’s talk about the more common issues you may face and what to do about them.

Root Rot

Root rot is caused by excess water in the soil that prevents air from reaching the roots, allowing anaerobic bacteria to grow on the roots and literally decay them.

Symptoms of root rot are limp and yellowed leaves and/or stems, brown and mushy roots, and really heavy, soggy soil.

If you suspect your Baltic Blue has root rot, stop watering and allow the soil to dry out. You can also remove the root ball from your pot and clip off any roots that look dead or mushy.

Yellowing Leaves

Yellowing leaves can be caused by overwatering, under-watering or inadequate light. Yellow leaves from overwatering will typically be more banana-yellow than those from under-watering, which tend to be more pale yellow.

Pothos will also sometimes have some leaves go yellow and drop when temperatures cool off in the fall. This is normal and no cause for alarm.

Check your soil to figure out if over- or under-watering may be to blame for the sickly leaves. If the soil is wet, allow it to dry out 2 inches deep before watering again. If the soil is bone-dry, give a generous watering- then check back a few hours later, and if the soil feels dry again, give another watering.

If your plant is away from medium sunlight most of the day, try moving it closer to a window or setting up a grow light.

Brown Spots

If you see brown spots on leaves, take a closer look. A few things can cause brown spots, from too much fertilizer to fungal infection to pest problems. Check out our guide to pothos with brown spots, which walks you through the different causes behind brown spots and what to do to address each one. 

Leggy Growth

Leggy growth (where the stem is long and thin, and the leaves are widely spaced) is caused by a plant reaching for the light. Luckily, it’s easy to fix- move the plant closer to a light source or invest in a grow light.


Baltic Blue pothos pests include aphids, mealybugs, scale, and spider mites.

If you spot bugs on your plant, isolate it from any other plants immediately. Prune out or spray off infested foliage, and treat the leaves with insecticidal soap or rubbing alcohol. Check your plant daily for a couple of weeks afterward for more bugs and repeat the treatment as many times as necessary.

Infographic outlining Baltic Blue pothos care.

Frequently Asked Questions about Baltic Blue Pothos

Because it was only introduced in 2022, Baltic Blue isn’t super common yet, but it’s not super rare either. It’s an extremely accessible new variety.

Pothos leaves and stems are toxic when consumed in large quantities, thanks to the calcium oxalate crystal within its tissues. These crystals have microscopic sharp edges that cause irritation and swelling, which can fatally obstruct airways in rare cases.

So make sure to keep your Baltic Blue away from small children and pets.

Baltic Blue is fast-growing, especially in warm, well-lit, humid conditions.

Baltic Blue pothos initially have a bushy growth habit that develops into a trailing growth habit, and its vines can easily be trained to climb up a support structure.

Final Thoughts

There are so many reasons to love the Epipremnum Baltic Blue. I’ve enjoyed mine so much, and I hope you’ve found the care tips here useful.
I’d love to hear from you! Are there any other questions you have about Baltic Blue care, or have you discovered any helpful tips you can share? I’m all ears, and there’s truly no better way to learn than from one another. So please feel free to share in the comments!

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