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11 Best Dill Companion Plants to Grow This Year + 5 to Avoid

A gardener harvesting fresh dill from the garden interplanted with the green and lettuces as dill companion plants.

It’s a flavorful addition to summer meals and a favorite with many types of butterflies and insects- yes, dill is a versatile garden herb. And using dill companion plants is a smart way to maximize your plant’s productivity and make the best use of garden space.

Ideal companion plants for dill include:

  1. Brassicas
  2. Alliums
  3. Cucumbers
  4. Other herbs
  5. Asparagus
  6. Corn
  7. Leafy greens
  8. Nasturtium
  9. Marigold
  10. Borage
  11. Tomatoes (with some special guidelines)

In some cases, the companion plant directly benefits the dill’s growth/production, while in other cases, the dill helps out the companion plant. Either way, in my experience, laying out your garden thoughtfully gets you better overall production with minimal effort.

In this article, you’ll get a look at which plants are perfect neighbors for dill and why. We’ll also cover which ones to keep away from your dill plants and answers to common questions.

Best Dill Companion Plants

Let’s get into the details of each plant that makes a top choice for dill companion planting.

1. Brassicas

Brassicas growing in the garden.

The large Brassicaceae plant family includes many classic garden plants:

Brassicas are delicious and packed with nutrients, and they definitely deserve a place in your garden. Unfortunately, they’re also prone to pests (including cabbage loopers and worms).

Most of the time, these insects are so small that you only notice them once the damage has been done. Dill has a strong aroma that’s a natural, strong repellant against common brassica pests, so they stand less chance of getting a foothold on your crop.

2. Alliums

Onion plants growing in the garden.

Here’s another large plant family that you’ll commonly find in home gardens. Alliums include:

The relationship between dill and alliums is a symbiotic one. The dill helps keep Japanese beetles and aphids from eating away at your crops, while onion can help deter pests that are likely to attack dill. It is also believed that dill can enhance the flavor of onions!

RELATED: Learn about my top choices for basil companion planting in containers or the garden!

3. Cucumbers

Cucumber plants growing in the garden.

Dill’s fine fragrance and umbrella-like flower clusters attract pollinators and larger beneficial insects, such as parasitic wasps. This is a good thing for cucumbers for a couple of reasons:

4. Herbs

A small garden with a variety of herb plants growing.

Most other fragrant herbs make great dill companion plants, which makes it easy to grow a thriving herb garden for fresh use or preservation.

As long as you choose the right variety and a large enough pot, planting dill as a container crop is a great idea. And you should have some room left for a couple of these other compatible herbs:

5. Asparagus

A gardener holds freshly harvested asparagus stalks in the garden.

Asparagus can fall prey to several pests, but planting dill near the asparagus patch can draw friendly garden predators that keep the pests under control. A few of these include:

6. Corn

A ripe ear of sweet corn ready for harvest in the garden.

As a tall, sturdy plant, corn is fantastic for blocking wind that could damage your delicate dill plants.

And dill is good for corn, too. When it flowers, dill attracts parasitic wasps, which help keep harmful pest levels to a minimum. Dill flowers are also a favorite for pollinators, and while corn doesn’t rely on insects for pollination, a little extra help never hurt.

Also, some growers claim that growing dill near corn can improve the flavor of your sweet corn. Dill certainly tastes good on cooked corn, so it’s worth trying!

7. Leafy Greens

Swiss chard plants growing in the garden.

Insects love leafy greens such as spinach, lettuce and Swiss chard. And it’s no wonder- they taste delicious and are pretty easy to get through for an insect’s tiny mouth.

Dill can deter these pesky little creatures with its fragrance. And, its ability to help keep the soil moist during dry seasons will help keep your leafy greens in top shape.

RELATED: Parsley makes a great neighbor for lots of garden plants. Find out how to use parsley in companion planting here!

8. Nasturtiums

Yellow and red nasturtium plants growing in the garden.

Nasturtiums are bright, beautiful and edible- and they’re also one of the very best companion plants you’ll find. We’ve recommended nasturtium as a good neighbor for pumpkins and for planting near bell peppers.

Nasturtiums can specifically benefit your dill by acting as a trap crop for aphids, the primary pest to attack dill. Instead of infesting your dill plants, the aphids are drawn to the nasturtium instead, leaving your dill crop unharmed.

9. Marigolds

Marigold plants growing in the garden.

Marigolds and dill work together to eliminate harmful insects and aphid infestations. Both are powerful in their own right for deterring pests, but when you put them together, their effects are multiplied.

10. Borage

Delicate blue borage flowers growing in the garden.

This is another nearly-universal companion plant. Also known as starflower or bee bush, these attractive plants go well with just about any plant – including dill.

11. Tomatoes (With Some Special Care)

A garden tomato plant with ripe, red tomatoes on the vine.

When done correctly, tomatoes and dill make excellent companion plants. Tomato plants act as a shield from the wind, and when dill plants are young, they are effective at repelling destructive tomato hornworms.

However, when dill plants mature and produce flowers, the roots release a substance that can stunt the tomato plant’s growth.

So planting dill near tomatoes requires a delicate balance. Here are a few ways I recommend for planting dill and tomatoes together:

Worst Companion Plants for Dill

Not every plant makes a good neighbor to dill. Here are some plants to keep as far away as possible from the dill patch.

1. Members of the Carrot Family

Looking at dill leaves, you’ll notice similarities to carrot leaves- they’re both light and fringy. That’s because dill belongs to the large and diverse carrot family, which also includes anise, Queen Anne’s lace, fennel and parsnip.

Because they’re so closely related, there’s a high risk for cross-pollination if you grow these plants near each other. The result could be stunted dill growth or unhealthy carrots.

2. Potatoes

Potatoes and dill don’t mix. Potatoes need abundant sunshine, and tall dill plants may block too much of that precious light.

3. Lavender

Here again, the tall heights that dill can reach could block light for sun-loving lavender. Also, lavender prefers to dry out between deep waterings, while dill does best with consistent moisture. So you’d have a hard time trying to strike a balance between the two.

4. Peppers

Dill seems to do poorly as a companion plant to most nightshades, a plant family that includes all pepper varieties. We’re not exactly sure why, but some chemicals dill releases appear to stunt growth and production for peppers.

5. Eggplant

Like peppers, eggplant belongs to the nightshade family. Growing dill with nightshade veggies and plants can affect the crop’s health, leading to a substandard harvest.

Infographic outlining the best and worst dill companion plants.

Frequently Asked Questions about Dill Companion Plants

When choosing the best spot for dill in your garden, consider the wind and the sun.

Dill stalks are hollow, which makes them rather flimsy. Providing a windshield, either through a neighboring plant or next to a wall, can prolong the life of your dill. Dill loves sunlight, so choose a spot with at least six to eight hours of direct sun throughout the day.

Mint can be a good dill companion plant as long as the two are planted in separate containers. Mint tends to be invasive and will likely take over.

Final Thoughts

I love companion planting for its simplicity and the benefits it provides- I practice it in my garden whenever possible.

Dill makes a great companion for many plants. Its powerful pest-deterring properties can help save many a plant or vegetable from an early death, and it may just help your other crops taste better. Sounds good to me!

What about you? Do you have any other questions about dill companion plants, or are there any other plants you’ve found that make a good neighbor for dill? Learning from each other’s experiences is the best way to grow our collective garden knowledge, so I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

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